The South Church


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The people of The South Church are a group of individuals committed to the mission of caring for others. We do this in a variety of ways - from sponsoring refugee families and donating Christmas gifts for orphaned children, to growing vegetables and collecting canned goods for donation to local food pantries, to mention just a few.

Friends and neighbors are welcome to participate in our missions. We also can provide service opportunities for students and service organizations. Complete the online form and someone will get in touch with you or call our church office at for details.


One Hope
One Hope United
The people of The South Church make Christmas-time a little brighter for more than 100 children in foster care in the Chicagoland area. Each year, we purchase, collect and deliver presents for these children through the charitable organization One Hope United. Our gifts are from the heart, as we support those less fortunate.

Food On The 4th Sunday
Food Collections, ongoing
On the First Sunday of each month and throughout the week members bring canned goods, boxed foodstuffs, and household items to the church for donation to local food pantries. Donations can be made at any time and placed in the baskets in the narthex or next to the church office. Foods that are high in protein, such as canned meat and fish, are especially needed.

Vegetable Garden
Vegetable Garden
Spring is always eagerly anticipated at The South Church, for it means planting time is almost here! On our property, with lots of sun and rich mulch, is a much-loved, well-tended, organic vegetable garden. Everything we grow here is donated to CEDA's fresh food pantry. In 2014, a new record was set and The South Church donated over 2,400 pounds of tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, beans, squash, cucumbers and other healthy vegetables and herbs. Many hands work in this garden; last year a dedicated group of young Girl Scouts met weekly to weed the garden. Our members plant and tend the neat, even rows throughout the summer. Harvest time begins in July and continues into September. Our garden has been featured in The Daily Herald for its experimental and environmentally-conscious solar powered watering system, graciously donated by Green Garden Eco Solutions. If you're out walking in the neighborhood, stop on by to pick some weeds or pick up some friendly gardening conversation!
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© 2011 The South Church 501 S. Emerson Street | Mount Prospect, IL 60056

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