The South Church

Our History

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The tiny village of Mount Prospect had a population of 1,000. St. Paul Lutheran was the only Protestant church, but services were held only in German.

February 7 – The South Church was formed. Services were originally held at what is now the Mount Prospect Country Club and the V.F.W. Hall during golf season.

August 1 – Edwin I. Stevens was called to be the first pastor of The South Church.

December 19 – The first building of our 3-building structure was completed. It houses the sanctuary. The total cost was $18,000. Construction was completed in three months.

Standing Room Only!

“The first service at The South Church was almost standing room only. That's because the pews nearly didn't arrive in time.

Ground was broken for our church on September 20, 1937, and the first service took place three months later on December 19, 1937.

The pews arrived at 6 p.m. on Saturday, December 18, 1937. Furniture workmen assembled the pews throughout the night. At dawn, Pastor Steve called members to help sweep the shavings and sawdust. He went home to clean up for the service and when he returned, Mrs. Dorothy Durland was still on her hands and knees scrubbing the floor.

With an unfinished basement, unhung draperies and the smell of fresh paint still in the air, parishoners sat on brand new pews for their first service.” …from The South Church Archives

Membership had increased to 335, outgrowing the original building.

The second building which housed the chapel, pastor's study and classrooms was completed.

1955 - 1957
Membership reached 650, causing the need for two worship services and three church sessions.

– The third building, the education building, was added to our South Church structure.
– The positions of Director of Christian Education and Associate Pastor were added to the growing congregation.

– From the 1960's to 1972, membership reached an all-time high of 1,000 congregants.
– Pastor Stevens retired.

The South Church celebrated its 50th Anniversary.

The South Church Memorial Garden, made possible by the Greenhalgh family, was completed. Ashes of deceased loved ones reside here on church grounds.(more …)

The beautiful lighted, stained glass altar window, a gift of Jack D. and Geraldine Hughes, was installed. (more...)

1995 - 2006
It took an additional 12 years to complete installation of the many stained glass sanctuary, chapel and narthex windows. Each window a gift of families who dedicated each to loved ones associated with The South Church.(more …)

The South Church celebrated its 75th Anniversary.

Today's South Church
Our main focus is service to others, family, community, and fun. (more...)

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